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linear algebra 【數學】線性代數。

linear distortion

The high - performance solution of sparse linear algebra equations is very important in solving many problems from science and engineering applications , including computational fluid , simulation and design of materials , data processing in oil exploitation and earthquake prediction , numerical forecast of weather , and numerical simulation of nuclear blast 稀疏線性代數方程組的高效求解是許多科學與工程計算的核心,如計算流體力學、材料模擬與設計、石油地震數據處理、數值天氣預報從核爆數值模擬等都離不開稀疏線性代數方程組的求解。

Linear algebra is mainly a subject which studies the linear structure of finite dimensional linear space and its linear transformation while linear concept is in itself from the old euclid g eometry . the concept of “ linear space “ is a kind of algebraic abstract . in many fields of modern engineering project and technology , because of the influence of computer and graph showing , the algebraic disposal of geometric questions , the visual disposal of algebraic questions , algebra and geometry are tightly combined 線性代數主要是研究有限維線性空間及其線性變換這一代數結構的學科,而線性概念究其根源則是來自古老的euclid幾何,線性空間概念是幾何空間的一種代數抽象,在現代工程技術的許多領域里,由于計算機及圖形顯示的強大威力,幾何問題的代數化處理,代數問題的可視化處理,把代數與幾何更加緊密地結合在一起。

Taking a view of pure time field , this paper presents dissolvable signals and basic concepts of sampling ; and also gives the very condition of discrete of signal ; this paper uses linear algebra to analysis this kind of signal and then gives some results and relevant deductions ; based on these results , 1 made a further step to analysis some typical band - limited signals in order to proof the coherence of my theory of dissolvable signal to the typical sampling theory ; i made some preliminary study about the feasibility of sampling and recovering of this kind of signal 本文從純時域角度出發,給出了可分解信號及其采樣的基本概念;也指出了信號可離散化的條件;利用線性代數理論給出了對這類信號進行采樣的分析理論及相應的推論;并用這些結論對典型的帶限信號進行了分析,證明可分解信號采樣定理與經典采樣理論的一致性;初步探討了對這類信號的實行采樣與恢復的工程實現問題。

For analyze the relations between all kinds of the factors and the level of compensation , we use linear algebra and the analyzing method of game theory to find the model of the affections . so we can find the key factors of the affections . give a company ' s data ; we can use linear programming and prg method to set up a system to decide the level of the company ' s compensation . so we can find out an math tic model to solve the problem on company ' s total labor cost plan and the employee ' s salary plan 其次,針對目前我國網絡服務企業在薪酬設計中遇到的問題,使用一元回歸分析法及博奕論的相關方法對影響薪酬制度構建的多種外部、內部因素進行量化分析,找出其中各類影響因素對于薪酬具體數額的線性關系,評價各種因素的具體影響方式和影響程度,找到影響企業薪酬設計的關鍵性因素并指出評價各種因素的數量化方法。

Through discussing every term ' s coefficient of a ; ( a ) , the general two points “ linear algebra boundary conditions are turned into eight element typies , eight corresponding entire functions u ( ) deciding eigenvalue and their asymptotic estimations on the corresponding circuits are gotten 根據( )各項系數的不同情況,將一般兩點邊界條件分為八種基本類型,并得到相應的八個決定特征值的整函數( )和它們在相應圍道上的漸近估計。

The traditional methods are to solve the linear algebra equations directly , based on matrix factorization such as lu decomposition . with this kind of methods , the “ true “ solution can be derived if there is no consideration of the round error 解線性代數方程組的傳統方法是利用lu分解等直接求解,雖然傳統方法具有理論上直接得到真解的優點,但當系數矩陣條件數很大時,存在嚴重的穩定性問題。

This course offers a rigorous treatment of linear algebra , including vector spaces , systems of linear equations , bases , linear independence , matrices , determinants , eigenvalues , inner products , quadratic forms , and canonical forms of matrices 此課程提供了對線性代數嚴謹的處理,包括向量空間、線性方程組、基底、線性獨立、矩陣、行列式、特徵值、內積、二次式、和矩陣的標準型式。

The linear algebra as a branch of mathematics is the science , which takes matrix theories as center and limited dimension vector space combining with matrix , namely the theories of the linear space and linear transformation , as the object 線性代數是代數學的一個分支,它以矩陣理論為中心,以與矩陣結合的有限維向量空間即線性空間和線性變換的理論為對象的一門科學。

Combining with our practice in teaching , we mainly discuss some relations between some concepts in linear algebra and some intuitional objects in geometry , and then explore the theory of integrating linear algebra teaching with geometry interpretation 摘要通過對線性代數中概念與幾何直觀的論述,結合教學實殘,探索在線性代數的抽象理論教學中融入幾何直觀的解釋。

The author has benefited from numerous books ans journals including the american mathematical monthly , linear algebra and its applications , linear and multilinear algebra , and the international linear algebra society ( ilas ) bulletin image 作者受益于大量的書籍和學術期刊,如美國數學月刊,線性代數和應用,線性和多線性代數,國際線性代數協會公示圖像。

4 . finally , an example , which is important elementary course linear algebra , is used to explain how to use the new mathematical teaching model to train the students “ mathematical application ability 第四,選擇大學理工科重要的數學基礎課程《線性代數》作為實例內容,說明如何在課堂教學中采用新的數學教學模式培養學生的數學應用能力。

These are 18 . 100b ( analysis and metric spaces ) and 18 . 700 ( linear algebra ) . the course 18 . 101 ( calculus in several variables ) would be useful and some familiarity with topological groups is also helpful 學生需要預修18 . 100b (分析和度量空間)和18 . 700 (線性代數) 。預修過課程18 . 101 (多變數微積分)或者熟悉拓撲群都對學習本課程有幫助。

To develop the fundamental concepts of linear algebra , emphasizing those concepts which are most important in applications , and to illustrate the applicability of these concepts by means of a variety of selected applications 介紹線性代數的基本理論、重要觀念與結果,強調其實際應用,并以實例說明此論點。

Today , opencourseware offers materials from 1 , 800 ungergraduate and graduate courses . these range from physics and linear algebra to anthropology , political science , even scuba diving 目前, “開放課程“項目提供了1800門本料及研究生課程材料,內容涵蓋了物理、線性代數、人類學、政治科學,甚至還有輕便潛水。

Abstract : this paper introduces the buckingham ' s theorem on dimension analysis and proves it by using method of linear algebra . the application of the buckingham ' s theorem is demonstrated by two examples 文摘:介紹了量綱分析中的白金漢定理,并且線性代數的方法予以了證明,通過兩則例子說明了該定理的應用。

Through the solution and exploration of four different types of questions , the author ' s aim is to train and develop students ' ability of divergent thinking in solving questions of linear algebra 摘要通過對四種類型問題的求解與思考,引發學生在解題過程中,加深對線性代數學習中發散思維能力的訓練與培養。

Today , opencourseware offers materials from 1 , 800 ungergraduate and graduate courses . these range from physics and linear algebra to anthropology , political science , even ( scuba ) diving 目前, “開放課程“項目提供了1800門本料及研究生課程材料,內容涵蓋了物理、線性代數、人類學、政治科學,甚至水肺潛水。

The assignments will have both theoretical and computational questions . the preferred language of this class ( and of numerical linear algebra , in general ) is matlab ? 作業含理論的問題,同時也有使用計算機來解答的問題。本課程建議采用的語言(也是一般數值線性代數所采用的語言)是matlab ? 。

The assignments will have both theoretical and computational questions . the preferred language of this class ( and of numerical linear algebra , in general ) is matlab ? 作業含理論的問題,同時也有使用電腦來解答的問題。本課程建議采用的語言(也是一般數值線性代數所采用的語言)是matlab ? 。